IMC Hospital Blog

Pleural Effusion - Symptoms and Causes

  • 07-Aug-23

Pleural effusion is a medical term that describes the buildup of extra fluid in the space around the lungs. This space is called the pleural space, and it's like a thin gap between two layers that... Read More

IMC Hospital Blog

Heart Attack - Symptoms and Causes

  • 25-Jul-23

A heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction (MI), is a serious medical condition that occurs when there is a sudden blockage of blood flow to a part of the heart muscle. It typically happens... Read More

IMC Hospital Blog

What Is Edema - Symptoms and Causes

  • 18-Jul-23

Edema is a medical term used to describe swelling caused by the accumulation of excess fluid in the body's tissues. It occurs when there is an imbalance between the movement of fluid out of the bl... Read More

IMC Hospital Blog

NaegleriaFowleri in Pakistan

  • 12-Jul-23

Primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM), a rare and serious brain illness is brought on by the microscopic amoeba NaegleriaFowleri. It is frequently discovered in warm freshwater locations including... Read More

IMC Hospital Blog

Best Endocrinologist in Lahore

  • 08-Jul-23

Chronic (long-lasting) health issues like diabetes have an impact on how your body converts food into energy. Your body converts the majority of the food you eat into sugar (glucose), which is then re... Read More

IMC Hospital Blog

Sarcoma - Types of Sarcoma

  • 26-Jun-23

Sarcoma is a form of cancer that develops in the body's connective tissues including the blood vessels, muscles, bones, and cartilage. Malignant cells in these tissues grow atypically which is one... Read More